Tuesday, March 4, 2014

19 and Counting

Welcome back, Agnes :)

First up, happy birthday! You're 19 now! It's crazy how time flies--even crazier how much you've changed in one year. I would refrain from commenting about that, though :P For now, I just want to congratulate you for making it through another year. That, in itself, is an achievement.

I started this blog two years ago, and two birthdays have passed since then. I've touched a lot of things about you and what I wish for you, too. Although in all honesty time hasn't exactly been kind to you--or us, for that matter--I know you've been keeping your head up amidst all the problems that life threw violently at you. You deserve a thousand pats on the back for that :D

Let's see... the last time you read anything on this blog, you were still in high school--wondering, dreaming, envisioning things. Right now you're probably already starting to settle in university, and with a handful of people you care about. I know things have been rough in the beginning, but your mettle had won in the end--you have developed, and became more and more of an adult. That is something to be proud of. Keep your head high and vision clear, for they will help you with issues that will only become tougher. Such is life, Agnes :)

Anyway, you're 19! I hate to remind you this, but that means you're only a year away from becoming a full-fledged twenty-year-old :P That is perhaps exactly why I hope you will appreciate your time more. I hope you can take a little time to be happy, no matter what's going on. A friend of mine once said that the recipe of happiness is nothing more than a teaspoon of appreciation mixed with a glassful of positiveness--though the ingredients are sometimes rare to come by, it is my firm belief that we still get to drink the elixir every now and then :)

Take a day off, and have a blast.

Lots of love,


Monday, March 4, 2013



One year has passed. That was quick, wasn't it? :P

Welcome back, Agnes :)

First of all, happy 18th birthday! I know this post isn't posted at midnight, but let's just assume everything is fine and you're reading this at March 5th noon. XD Anyhow, this time I'm posting it somewhere near the actual birthday! :D

Well, what to say? Time flew. You're already on the verge of graduation, soon to be a college student. In all honesty I don't really buy the notion of a great 'transition' between teenager to adults, as people develop over time. I mean, you've done exactly that :) You changed over time, once again struggling with a lot of issues and survived. You're stronger, better, and your vocabulary still laden with swear words this year :P

Last year I talked about the past, of how we met. Now, I'd like to talk about the future. Yesterday dawn, you spoke of how beautiful the future seems--I smiled in reply, because that's how the future should look to you. Dream high, Agnes. Dream high and big, for your dreams will fuel you in your striving to realize all your ambitions. I know you're a hardworking person, and if you want something bad enough you'll eventually find a way to get to it. Don't be afraid, and remember, there are always people who are behind you, who support you all the way. Don't forget to lean on them in the more difficult times--you are not alone :)

Wishing you happiness is no longer enough, although it is always what I wish for you. This time, I'd like to wish you wisdom. Now wisdom and knowledge are two different things--knowledge being easy to get as long as you know where to look--but I want to focus on you gaining all the wisdom you need this year. I wish you can measure, you can judge, you can know how to act, understand, and know what to do and not to do in different situations. You're already a natural at this, so I wish you to be even better, because life only gets harder from this point.

Then again, for now, just for today, have a great birthday. Put your worries somewhere else, and just spend a few moments to be grateful that you've reached your 18th year of living. Spare one day to feel happy, regardless of what the world says or does. You earned it.

Happy 18,

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Found out about this blog? Good for you and welcome :P

First up, happy birthday--in fact, happy 17th birthday! I know it's kind of strange that you're reading this post now considering you've had your birthday on March 5th LOL. Then again, I guess it should be fitting for you to read this as you open your present.

So, 17 years old, eh? Though it's kind of either late or early by a year (coming of age is usually 16 or 18 for girls anywhere in the world--seriously, there's a Wikipedia page on it) Indonesian girls usually celebrate it at 17. And now you're 17 too!

Agnes, Agnes, Agnes... what do I have to say about you being 17? Well obviously the wishes have to be lined up first: happiness on top of the list, then maturity and success follows, and all the best for the cupcakes business plus the university major choice as well! But more than anything, I wish you strength; to face issues, problems, and challenges. You've changed a lot since the first time I've met you, and I'm most pleased to say that those changes were a lot for the better.

Remember the first time we met? It was in a Gandhi classroom, right before a GEC session was about to start. I persisted that you should try debate, considering your English capabilities. You said you idolized one of the alumni and were still looking for an activity to fall in love with, being recently graduated from Penabur. At the time, I was excited about you and your potential career in debate.

Over the time, you showed me bravery and loyalty towards the club. And after a while, you also showed me how someone could change for the better and not look back. You showed me strength, compassion, and cheerfulness that persists no matter what. Sure you've had your own share of problems, but the way you deal with it changes over time--you now not only complain, but also think deeper and try to find the solution to those issues. I applaud you for that, since not many can do so.

If there's one thing I just love to wish people all the time, it's to be happy. And so I'd like to wish all the happiness in the world for you to get. Remember to be happy! Be strong, be intrepid, be fearless, but most importantly you have to be happy, okay? :D

Well, they say that with older age comes greater rights (and responsibilities). The way I see it, you're already holding a share of responsibility heavier than most people I know. I hope you'll get your rights you so rightfully deserved soon enough :)

Christopher Zhou

Do you know why I got you The Book with no Name instead of the fiction novel sequel? You recently said you wanted to start anew, so here we go, a brand new start with a brand new book. I'm sure you can work out on your own how to get Blood Romance :P Cheers!