Tuesday, March 4, 2014

19 and Counting

Welcome back, Agnes :)

First up, happy birthday! You're 19 now! It's crazy how time flies--even crazier how much you've changed in one year. I would refrain from commenting about that, though :P For now, I just want to congratulate you for making it through another year. That, in itself, is an achievement.

I started this blog two years ago, and two birthdays have passed since then. I've touched a lot of things about you and what I wish for you, too. Although in all honesty time hasn't exactly been kind to you--or us, for that matter--I know you've been keeping your head up amidst all the problems that life threw violently at you. You deserve a thousand pats on the back for that :D

Let's see... the last time you read anything on this blog, you were still in high school--wondering, dreaming, envisioning things. Right now you're probably already starting to settle in university, and with a handful of people you care about. I know things have been rough in the beginning, but your mettle had won in the end--you have developed, and became more and more of an adult. That is something to be proud of. Keep your head high and vision clear, for they will help you with issues that will only become tougher. Such is life, Agnes :)

Anyway, you're 19! I hate to remind you this, but that means you're only a year away from becoming a full-fledged twenty-year-old :P That is perhaps exactly why I hope you will appreciate your time more. I hope you can take a little time to be happy, no matter what's going on. A friend of mine once said that the recipe of happiness is nothing more than a teaspoon of appreciation mixed with a glassful of positiveness--though the ingredients are sometimes rare to come by, it is my firm belief that we still get to drink the elixir every now and then :)

Take a day off, and have a blast.

Lots of love,

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